Archive for December, 2009

Writers wanted! (a designer, too) Blog for Journalism 2.0

If you are passionate about the new forms that journalism is taking in the digital age, I want you to write for this blog. Here’s the deal: My startup company, Serra Media, has me focused on emerging local online business opportunities. And while I still remain passionate about journalism, there are only so many hours […]

Look to ‘local online’ for the business model of local journalism

Yes, Virgina, there is a business model for journalism. For now, however, it’s called “local online.” Last week’s Interactive Local Media conference in Los Angeles featured two-and-a-half days of presentations and hallway conversations focused on connecting local businesses with local audiences while making money. “Monetizing the local opportunity” was the title of the conference, which […]

With or without publishers, local online continues to grow

The good news for local publishers? There is growing demand for local advertising. The bad news? An entire industry of companies you’ve never heard of (including some giants you have) are laser-focused on connecting local businesses with local consumers and most of them don’t care if a publisher is in the middle of that transaction. […]

Is there still a massive opportunity in local online?

Several hundred people at a Hyatt in LA this week think so. And by “local online,” I’m referring specifically to the opportunity for marketing local businesses, not publishing local journalism. Although, as we’ve learned during the almost-completed decade, the latter will have trouble surviving without the former. I’m at the Interactive Local Media conference in […]

Sacramento Press launches local ad network

(NOTE: I originally published this post on the Serra Blog.) Expect to see more of this in the coming months: indepdent local news and information sites banding together to form a local/regional advertising network. The Sacramento Press today announced the most recent version, called SLOAN for Sacramento Local Online Ad Network. It’s an ambitious effort, […]

Next-gen journalists creating the future today

In a recent “future of journalism” interview, author Clay Shirky said that things will get worse before they get better. He also said that he’s “a network-inhabiting news junkie of the first order” so the world “has been a paradise of additional information, additional points of view, additional access.” The challenge – and the revolution […]

2010 internships available at Serra Media

There’s never been a better time for innovation in journalism, digital content and community. So come help Serra Media build interactive digital platforms and communities for local publishers, independent journalism startups and university journalism programs. My company is looking for smart people who are enthusiastic about local content, collaborative publishing and the future of digital […]

Commitments every news startup should make

Thanksgiving turkey leftovers are still in the fridge, but I’m already anxious for the first year of the new decade. Why? Because 2010 will be the year of the Independent Journalism Startup. (There’s also the Winter Olympics and World Cup soccer, but I digress.) Several interesting new initiatives have been announced or launched recently, including […]