Archive for June, 2009

What will technology do to journalism in the next six months?

Do you have a crystal ball? If so, can I borrow it? Today is my deadline to submit the next version of Journalism 2.0 to my editor and publisher. The good news: I’m actually finished with the manuscript, all 80,000 words. The bad news: it will be at least four months until it’s available in […]

Build an ‘insanely great’ news web site

In the past 10 years, I’ve been involved in countless discussions about new and innovative ways to do journalism online. Staff meetings, editors retreats, conference panel discussions, workshops and on and on. Not once did I hear anyone set the goal as high as building an “insanely great web service,” as this excellent piece from […]

Part 2: Building a digital audience for news

(NOTE: This series of posts is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Journalism Next, which will be published by CQPress and is due out in the fall.) How many breaking news updates did you send last week? How many video stories did you publish last month? By percentage, how much did your online audience grow […]

Part 1: Building a digital audience for news

(NOTE: The following series of posts is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Journalism Next, which will be published by CQPress and is due out in the fall.) Can marketing and analytics save journalism? Not on their own, of course. But we live in a world where the amount of content produced has increased exponentially, […]

Newsrooms should open their doors to job-seeking journos

NPR has an interesting piece on a small ad agency in New York that has opened its doors to those in the profession who are looking for work. The job seekers get a place to research job opportunities and a place to network. The ad agency gets more sounding boards for new ideas and, occasionally, […]

Skipping J-school? Links and resources for learning

Cleaning out the inbox on a Saturday morning and I ran across this … Skip Journalism School: 50 free open courses I’m a big proponent of education, so I don’t advocate skipping school to take some free online courses. (The title is just marketing anyway, right?) On that note, if you are in journalism school […]

The people formerly known as sources

Earlier this week, a report of “man overboard” from a Seattle-based ferry put the local Coast Guard station into immediate action. As boats and helicopters were being launched, real-time updates were being posted to Twitter. By the Coast Guard. This full disintermediation, when the audience can get the news and information directly from the source, […]

How to bring a startup culture into the newsroom

The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity

All problems are opportunities. The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity. That is the headline from a recent presentation by Tina Seelig at the Stanford Entrepreneurial Leadership Lecture Series. It comes from Vinod Khosla, one of the co-founders of Sun Microsystems who became a general partner of the famous VC firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield […]