Posts Tagged ‘baku’

A journalism (r)evolution in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has had the world’s fastest growing economy for the past five years. That growth hasn’t extended to the media sector, however, as the spread of news remains limited to a few pro-government newspapers and some underground anti-government publications. During my four days in Baku, the nation’s capital city, I met with dozens of journalists. […]

Remember bloggers v. journalists? Debate ongoing in Baku

Can bloggers be journalists? It’s a debate that raged for years in the U.S. (far too long if you ask me), and it can still raise hackles. In Baku, Azerbaijan, it could mean the difference between having a free press or not. Visiting Baku this week and speaking with different groups of journalists and journalism […]

In Baku, journalism isn’t a career, it’s a calling

Journalists in the U.S. are concerned for the future. Journalists in Baku are concerned for the present. I’ll be honest: When I received that first email almost a year ago from Terry Davidson at the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan, expressing interest in translating my book and having me visit the country, my first thought was […]