Archive for the ‘Practical advice’ Category

To produce for multiple platforms, start by listening

I had the honor of speaking on a panel at the NABJ Conference in New Orleans yesterday about producing for a multi-platform environment. Here is a quick hit of what I had to offer: The most important step in producing in this era is actually not producing, but listening. You know the saying that to […]

Six steps to turn your idea into a product

Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything. I’ve said that many times, starting with my first book almost 10 years ago. It’s always been true. And is the cornerstone of the talk I delivered Wednesday to a group of smart, enterprising college professors at ASU’s Cronkite School of Journalism during the Scripps Howard workshop for entrepreneurial […]

Help build what’s ‘next’ in journalism

Much has changed since the first edition of Journalism Next became available in 2009, when the world had not yet heard of Instagram, Pinterest or Snapchat. But the core concept of this guidebook—to leverage digital technology to do better journalism—has not changed at all. What is coming “next” in journalism? No one knows for sure, […]

Is blogging still relevant to journalism?

That’s one of many questions I’m pondering as I start work on the third edition of Journalism Next. If you are a professor who has chosen to use the text in your class, or a young journalist who experienced the book in college (whether it was your choice or not), I’d love to get your […]

Want to get hired? Be smart and creative. And be able to prove it.

Who do you want to hire? Professor Lucrezia Paxson directed that question to me in front of about 30 students at Washington State University on Friday morning by. It was the first of four classes I would speak with that day so I knew it would come up again. And it’s a question I’m asked […]

What you need to know if you’re attending SXSW Interactive

The country’s biggest digital media conference, SXSW Interactive, kicks off  this week in Austin. What started as a small, niche offshoot of the more popular music conference has grown exponentially over the past 10 years and, thankfully, so has the presence of journalism at the confab. I wrote about navigating this monster of a conference […]

A cautionary tale: Big money, bigger headaches

Admit it: You’ve had the startup daydreams. They really kick in when you read that Company X just secured millions of dollars from a venture capital firm (for what seems like a pretty ordinary idea). “If I had millions of dollars,” the little voice in your head says, “I’d hit this one out of the […]

You are what you tweet: Balancing journalism with social media

How does one balance the ethics and values of being a journalist with the demands of personality and transparency required by social media? That was the question we tackled last week at an ONA Seattle panel discussion titled “You are what you tweet.” It was run in conjunction with the #wjchat weekly series run by […]

Cross-Newsroom Collaboration: The New Reality

By Jake Batsell When I landed my first full-time reporting gig at The Seattle Times in the 1990s, the Times was still an afternoon paper. A big part of my entry-level GA job was chasing stories that already had appeared in the competition, the morning Post-Intelligencer. Many of my mornings began with an uneasy scan […]

Journalism’s Next Generation: Working with Millennials

By Jake Batsell Landing a plum newsroom job straight out of college has never been an easy feat. But this year’s journalism graduates face a double-barreled challenge: an unusually stingy job market and a growing perception that their generation has a “lax work ethic,” as a Washington Post headline declared last week. The Post’s story […]