Archive for August, 2009

Chaos shouldn’t cloud current opportunity in hyperlocal

Last Friday, John Cook published a Q&A on where I discussed the state of hyperlocal (and my own transition from journalist to entrepreneur). The post elicited an email from a weekly newspaper publisher who asked many probing questions. In an attempt to open up the discussion on the current and future business opportunities of […]

Live chat: Transforming the business of news

Looking for insight on the changing business of news? Well, if you are a member of the American Society of News Editors (or know someone who is), check out the live chat tomorrow for discussion of ways to transform the news business. I’ll be joining a rock-star panel that includes Steve Outing, Dan Conover and […]

Beat the rush: Pre-order Journalism Next

A quick update on the book … Journalism Next is set for release on Nov. 10 (just in time for the Christmas shopping season!). You can pre-order the book at CQPress’s web site for $21.95. I didn’t have a say in the price tag but I’m happy to see that it’s not one of those […]

Building the essential reading list for online journalism

What are your must-read links for online journalism? Thankfully, my book is nearing the finish line of production. One of the final pieces is an appendix I’m working on that will offer readers a list of blogs and Web sites that are, for me, essential reading to stay informed about online journalism. Because the book […]

DailyMe brings ‘passive personalization’ to news, publishers

Personalized news has been around for almost a decade. But building a business around the concept meant high expectations that users would take the time to build their news experience around their personal tastes. Welcome to the era of “passive personalization” in news, courtesy of, a 14-person company based in Florida led by online […]

Part 2: Content vs. journalism – the education debate

How long will colleges continue to offer journalism as a major? I ask this question as someone with two journalism degrees, who just finished writing a journalism textbook and who as the word in his URL. But as bullish as I am on the future of journalism, I’m skeptical that traditional college journalism programs can […]

Content vs. journalism: the great debate

Journalists prefer their craft not be cheapened with a label like “content.” But what if that’s what’s been killing the business? Do consumers (readers) differentiate between a product called journalism than one simply known as news or content? They pay for this content with their time and attention, which is why plenty of web sites […]

Print magazine puts company on fast track

As far as entrepreneurial opportunities go, launching a new print magazine seems a few years behind the times. Launching it from a dorm room while you’re still in college makes the odds of success even longer. Which is why I love stories like this so much. Last weekend at Digital Journalism Camp Portland, I had […]

Fall internships available at Serra Media

Want to be part of the revolution? Read on. There’s never been a better time for innovation in journalism, digital content and community. So come help Serra Media build interactive digital platforms for local publishers, independent journalism start-ups and university journalism programs. My company is looking for smart people who are enthusiastic about local content, […]