Posts Tagged ‘entrepreneur’

News Entrepeneuring 3.0: Great lineup Thursday at ONA11

As she always does, Jan Schaffer has put together another fantastic lineup for the pre-conference workshop at ONA11 (pasted below – hit the link for bios). And I’m honored to be a part of it. I’m also happy that Jane Harrigan, the awesome editor of my new book, will be there, too. After reading about […]

A cautionary tale: Big money, bigger headaches

Admit it: You’ve had the startup daydreams. They really kick in when you read that Company X just secured millions of dollars from a venture capital firm (for what seems like a pretty ordinary idea). “If I had millions of dollars,” the little voice in your head says, “I’d hit this one out of the […]

Jarvis: More demand, interest in news than ever

I put the finishing touches on the manuscript for Entrepreneurial Journalism this week. (The publisher, CQ Press, hopes to make it available in November.) While going through the final proofs, I pulled out a few interesting nuggets and thought I would share them here to give you a taste of what’s in the new book. […]