I put the finishing touches on the manuscript for Entrepreneurial Journalism this week. (The publisher, CQ Press, hopes to make it available in November.) While going through the final proofs, I pulled out a few interesting nuggets and thought I would share them here to give you a taste of what’s in the new book.
The first bite comes from Jeff Jarvis, who wrote an awesome forward for the book. He did a great job of setting the stage, including the following passage:
The opportunities are indeed endless. That is why I am a cockeyed optimist about the future of news. There is more demand for and interest in news than ever. We have more ways to gather, analyze, and distribute news than we ever could have imagined before the Internet. We have new ways to listen to the public, so we can serve them better. We have new efficiencies to exploit.
But most important, we have entrepreneurs and journalists who have the courage to try to build the future of news. And now, thanks to this book, they have a plan.
Amen, brother.
The police division in Tucson, Ariz. has released uncooked movie footage from your camera law enforcement officer Joel Mann was wearing when he brutally pummeled a feminine college student who was going for walks innocuously just off the campus of your College of Arizona.