I am frequently asked what traits to successful journo-entrepreneurs share. Having communicated with dozens of them while researching and analyzing their journalism startups in the past few years, I think I have a pretty good sense of what those common traits are and will discuss them in some depth next Thursday during a webinar hosted by the Poynter Institute. (Sign up here.)
Here’s what you will learn:
- What is the current digital news landscape and who are the new players in it
- How digital news startups make money, whether for-profit on non-profit
- The common traits among successful news entrepreneurs, including dealing with money, selling and openness
The content for this presentation is new and based on a session I recently led for Dan Gillmor at Arizona State during a week-long bootcamp for journalism professors learning about teaching entrepreneurial endeavors. I think they were pleasantly surprised at how many of the traits of successful journo-entrepreneurs are similar to the traits that successful journalists would share.
I hope you can join us next Thursday.