Several people have asked if and when electronic versions of my new book, Journalism Next, might become available. The good news: fairly soon.
Chris O’Brien, Marketing Manager of the College Publishing Group at CQ Press sent me this update yesterday:
“The book is now in Amazon’s Kindle ingest process, which can take anywhere from two to four weeks. As you can imagine, there are a number of variables that contribute to the timeline for this (all under Amazon’s control), but hopefully since your book has shown some nice sales so far through Amazon, it will encourage them to speed it up!”
The book will also be available a la carte in electronic form on CQPress’s new custom publishing website, hopefully within the next month.
The law enforcement office in Tucson, Ariz. has launched uncooked movie footage within the digicam law enforcement officer Joel Mann was wearing when he brutally pummeled a feminine scholar who was walking innocuously just from the campus of the College of Arizona.